It’s a well-known fact that pupils are subjected to enormous amounts of pressure to perform well in school. Good grades in high school can influence acceptance to a particular university, while in college and graduate school they can have an impact on career aspirations.
Is sleep an important part of achieving your goals, or are there other aspects at play? We’ll see if pupils who get more sleep have an edge in the classroom.
You are reading: What Is the Effect of Poor Sleep on School Performance? How Can Students Sleep Better?
Additionally, we’ll examine students’ present sleep patterns, how they might enhance their slumber, and why cultivating excellent sleeping habits now will benefit them in the future.
Are Children and Teens Getting the Sleep They Need?
As people become older, their sleep requirements change. The National Sleep Foundation advises 9-11 hours of sleep per day for school-age children aged 6 to 12 years2. 8 to 10 hours of sleep each day is suggested for teenagers.
Many youngsters in the United States aren’t getting the amount of sleep they need, according to a new study. Poor sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness affect as many as 25% of young children, according to research.
Adolescents are at greater risk of having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep at night than adults. CDC data shows that over 57% of middle school children and 72% of high school students reported sleeping less than what was suggested based on their age level. Approximately 23.8 percent of adolescents suffer from insomnia, which is a serious sleep issue that can have a substantial impact on their daily lives.
What Causes Teens and Young Adults to Lose Rest?
So why are so many young people unable to get a good night’s sleep? There are a number of factors at play here.
Late-Night Homework
Many students will stay up late to prepare for a test or finish a project due the next day. Due to extracurricular activities or a part-time job, some students may have to do their assignments later than usual.
Young people are surrounded by technology distractions such as computers, video games, and cell phones. The quality of your sleep may be harmed if you spend too much time in front of a screen. For a variety of reasons, screen usage before night can have a negative influence on people of all ages.
Because it interferes with melatonin production, blue light from screens makes it harder to fall asleep and wake up in the morning. It’s hard to wind down before bed because of the devices’ stimulant effects on your brain. Notifications that go off when you’re in the middle of your REM (or deep sleep) cycle could disrupt your sleep.
Not to mention that even if you don’t use technology just before bed, you may end up procrastinating on other things like homework and chores, which could cause sleep disruption.
Emotional Stress
According to Dartmouth College, emotional stress, such as melancholy and anxiety, is the root cause of more than half of all chronic sleep difficulties. The authors go on to say that sleep deprivation might be a side effect of being overly stressed.
Teens and young adults are juggling the pressures of school, extracurricular activities, internships, and side jobs, all while trying to maintain social, family, and romantic relationships. It’s possible that a mixture of these pressures would hinder them from getting a restful night’s sleep.
Inconsistent Sleep Schedules
A lack of a regular bedtime and wake-up time can have an impact on how rested you feel. While some students may be able to get a good night’s sleep during the week, that can quickly change on the weekend.
Insufficient sleep was found to be associated with irregular sleeping patterns in Taiwanese university students in a 2009 study.
Living Environment
However, it’s not just you. Your sleeping environment might also have an impact on the quality of your rest.
When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, students in college and graduate school may struggle the most. Distractions abound, whether they come in the form of snoring housemates or rowdy neighbors.
Sleep Disorders
It’s not uncommon for sleep issues to be a problem for teenagers. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is one of the most common causes of insomnia. As for sleep disorders, you should see a doctor so that they can correctly assess your sleeping problem.
Diet and Exercise
Sleep issues can also be caused by what you eat and drink. For example, excessive use of caffeine and alcohol can disrupt your sleep, as can going to bed on a full or empty stomach.
Even while regular physical activity is important for good health, working out late at night can give you an energy surge that makes it difficult to fall asleep at night.
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While we may be quick to chastise teenagers for their lack of sleep, this isn’t entirely their responsibility. Since the early 1990s, scientists have discovered that as teenagers get older, they are biologically programmed to go to bed at a later time. Sleep Phase Delay indicates that their circadian rhythm (or internal clock) makes it difficult for them to go to bed before 11:00 pm.
Due to school and university scheduling, this isn’t possible. Most schools open at 8:00 a.m., with some high schools opening at 7:30 a.m.
Signs of Sleep Deprivation
One or more of these symptoms will be present if you are sleep-deprived.
Mood Changes
Anxiety and depression, two common mood disorders, can make it difficult to sleep, but sleep deprivation itself can exacerbate these diseases or put one at greater risk of getting them. Students who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be depressed, irritable, sad, and angry. Their interactions with teachers, peers, and family could be negatively impacted by these types of mood disorders and shifts.
Get Sick More Often
Sleep deprivation increases your risk of illness and delays your recovery time, so it’s important to get a good night’s rest. Cytokines, a type of protein that protects the body while you sleep, are released when you doze off. Lack of sleep reduces the body’s ability to produce this protein, making you more susceptible to illness and infection.
Daytime Drowsiness
We’ve all seen people doze off in class, and let’s face it, we’ve all been one of those students. Sleep deprivation may be a contributing factor, rather than laziness, in your erratic conduct.
There’s a good possibility you didn’t get enough sleep the night before if you’re always tired during the day. One of the most prevalent symptoms of sleep deprivation is daytime tiredness. Clearly, students who are excessively sleep-deprived in class are a matter of concern, but even mild sleepiness can be hazardous, especially for those who drive.
Inability to Concentrate
Difficulty concentrating is also an effect of sleep deprivation, and a lack of focus could certainly impact your ability to do well in school. When you’re unable to concentrate, you will notice you have a harder time paying attention in class and staying on track with homework and study assignments.
Memory Problems
As a result of lack of sleep, you may find it difficult to concentrate, which could have a negative impact on your academic performance. Having trouble paying attention in class and staying on top of your homework and study tasks is a sure sign that you are having trouble concentrating.
Less Physical Strength
Some students join in sports just for the sake of having fun, but for others, it may be a means of securing vital financial aid and educational possibilities.
Sleep, like food, is a source of energy for the body. As a result, you will have less physical strength and energy if you don’t get enough sleep. As a result, your ability to perform at your best is diminished, which is why getting enough sleep is so important.
This is supported by the facts. College basketball players were studied in 2011 to see if sleep affected their performance. They found that athletes in the sport of basketball who were able to get enough sleep were able to perform at their best.
Even if they don’t participate in school athletics, even non-participating students may be discouraged from working out entirely.
Do Successful Students Sleep More?
A 2015 study, for example, sought to determine if sleep duration was associated with academic achievement among pharmacy students. Students who slept more soundly scored higher on exams and earned higher semester GPAs as a result of the study’s findings.
What Is the Effect of Poor Sleep on School Performance?
Sleep specialists agree that a lack of sleep can negatively impact a child or teen’s cognitive capacities and academic performance.
Research on sleep deprivation has focused primarily on adults, although it is widely thought that many of the same consequences are also present in children. There have been fewer studies on the effects of sleep deprivation in children, but what research there are shows that it can have a negative impact on academic performance in various ways.
The effects on mental function are one way that sleep has a direct impact on school success. Sleep deprivation has been linked to a number of health issues, including:
- Attention has waned. A lack of sleep has a negative impact on one’s capacity to focus and concentrate, which is critical to one’s ability to learn and succeed in school.
- Memory loss. Memory encoding8 occurs during sleep when the brain stores and reinforces the recollection of an image or thought. Many people have difficulty remembering what they’ve just learned if they don’t get enough sleep.
- Processing has been slowed. A lack of sleep can impair mental clarity, reaction time, and the capacity to swiftly process new information9.
- Sequential reasoning has deteriorated. When you don’t get enough sleep, you lose the ability to recall a set of steps, such as those in a science experiment or when playing an instrument.
- Creativity is reduced. Research has shown that sleep deprivation has a negative impact on creative thinking.
Because sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on mood and behavior, it can also affect academic performance.
- Drowsiness throughout the day, even at school, can have a significant impact on academic performance. Microsleeps, which occur when a pupil falls asleep for a few seconds at a time, are common in the classroom. Aside from interfering with learning, teachers may perceive this as a behavioral issue.
- Sleep deprivation has been linked to a decrease in the ability to make effective decisions. increasing the possibility of students making dangerous or imprudent decisions, which can lead to problems with the school’s disciplinary system.
- Some research in children has connected sleep issues to an increased likelihood of violent behavior, which may be particularly worrying when paired with the effects on mood of sleep loss.
- A lack of sleep may lead to an increase in irritability and a lower sense of well-being in children and teens, as quality sleep is associated with appropriate emotional regulation.
- In one study, teachers observed that their students’ hyperactive behavior was linked to sleep deprivation, which can impair their ability to concentrate. ADHD’s19 symptoms may be exacerbated if a child has sleep issues (ADHD).
- Sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of sadness and anxiety in both adults and children, and these diseases can have a direct impact on a child’s overall health and academic performance.
Missing school can also have a negative impact on a student’s academic performance. School absences and tardiness have been linked to a person’s sleep problems. Poor sleep is linked to bodily difficulties, such as tiredness, headaches, and soreness, which can lead to school absences due to illness.
How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect School Performance for Children of Different Ages?
Adolescents, like all children, need sleep to function properly, but the impact of sleep disorders and how they affect academic performance may differ depending on their age. Teenagers, in particular, experience distinct sleep issues that can have a negative impact on their academic performance.
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Around the time of puberty, adolescent sleep patterns undergo a significant shift, making it difficult for them to adjust to new patterns. Teens are more likely to be “night owls” when their internal clocks are pushed back by two hours as a result of this alteration.
In order to get enough rest if they have to get up early in the morning for school or other activities, many teens have to sleep in a little later than usual. As a result, between the ages of 13 and 19, the typical amount of sleep each night drops by 40 to 50 minutes.
When teens don’t get enough shut-eye, they’re more likely to experience the negative impacts of sleep deprivation on their academic performance. In addition, many teens find it difficult to focus on schoolwork early in the day because they are most alert in the afternoon or evening.
How Can Students Sleep Better?
In light of this new knowledge, students can take action to enhance their sleeping habits.
No Homework or Technology Right Before Bed
It may be tempting to study late into the night, but evidence suggests that going to bed early is better for your grades. Experts recommend rising up early if you have a homework assignment due the next day.
Even though it may be difficult to give up browsing through Instagram or playing video games before going to sleep, cutting off your screen time before going to sleep should assist your mind relax in order to fall asleep.
Create a Better Sleep Environment
Try sleeping masks or earplugs if your roommate is a night owl who stays up late. In addition to helping block out light from the outside, blackout curtains can also assist reduce eye strain. Keep an eye on the temperature in your room so that you don’t overheat or overcool yourself as you sleep.
Stick to a Schedule
Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol
Don’t Eat Right Before Bed
Exercise Regularly
Manage Your Concerns
When you write them down and devise a strategy, it will be easier for you to put them to rest at night.
How Will Better Sleep Help Students Later in Life?
Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help you stay healthy as you become older. A full night’s sleep can help prevent weight gain, enhance immunity, strengthen your heart, and improve your memory, among other benefits.
How Can Parents Help Their Children Get Better Sleep and Improve School Performance?
In order to help their children succeed in school, it is normal for parents to do everything they possibly can. Parents can help their children succeed academically by emphasizing the value of a good night’s sleep.
It’s common for parents to begin the process of improving their children’s sleep patterns by talking about the benefits of sleep with them. Taking concrete efforts to improve sleep might be a good starting point for recognizing the importance of quality rest for the entire family. As part of this process, parents should make every effort to set a positive example for their children by practicing healthy sleep habits themselves.
For many families, the first step is to make sleep a top priority. To ensure their children get the appropriate amount of sleep, parents should design a daily routine that takes into consideration their children’s school start times and other commitments. Consistency in routine promotes the value of sleep and helps to maintain healthy sleep patterns.
A nighttime routine is proven to help youngsters sleep better. A regular bedtime helps to keep other activities, even useful ones like studying, from progressively squeezing out the time that should be spent sleeping. Setting bedtimes for children has been shown to improve mood and reduce excessive daytime sleepiness.
Parents can help their children get ready for bed by encouraging them to follow a soothing routine. Young children have been reported to benefit from following the same routine every night as they prepare for sleep, and adults are encouraged to do the same.
Stopping the use of technological devices, such as cell phones, should be a part of getting ready for bed. Most experts recommend that children and adults refrain from using electronic devices an hour or more before going to bed and that electronic devices be kept out of reach or removed from the bedroom altogether if at all possible.
Parents can also help their children sleep better by creating a peaceful sleep environment. Children, like adults, benefit from a restful night’s sleep when their bedrooms are dark and quiet, with a firm mattress and soft bedding. Parents and children can work together to ensure that the sleep environment is peaceful and conducive to a good night’s sleep.
Parents should consult their child’s pediatrician if their child’s sleeping issues are severe, chronic, or plainly influencing their child’s daytime thinking or behavior. Children with insomnia, which is distinct from occasional sleep disturbances, can be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. You may want to consult with your pediatrician if you suspect that your child’s sleep problems are linked to an underlying sleep disorder or another health issue.
Category: Sleep Advisors