Don’t let snoring ruin your relationship or a good night’s sleep. Learn what causes snoring, the best remedies for fixing the problem, and how you—and your partner—can sleep better.
What is snoring?
You don’t want snoring to destroy your relationship or a peaceful night’s sleep. Learn what causes snoring, how to remedy it, and how you and your partner can have a better night’s sleep.
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A snorer’s sleep might be disrupted, resulting in daytime exhaustion, irritation, and increased health issues. In the event that your partner can’t fall asleep because you snore, this might cause big problems in the relationship as well. Fortunately, snoring isn’t limited to sleeping in separate rooms. Both of you can sleep better at night and overcome the issues brought on by snoring in your partner.
What causes snoring?
Snoring can have a variety of causes, so it’s critical to figure out what’s going on with you. If you know why you snore, you can come up with a plan that works for both you and your partner so that you may get a better night’s rest.
Many factors contribute to snoring, including:
Age. As you become older, your throat narrows and the muscle tone in your throat diminishes, making it more difficult to speak clearly. In spite of the fact that snoring is a natural part of aging, there are things you may do to reduce your chances of developing the condition.
Obesity or a lack of physical fitness. Snoring is often the result of fatty tissue and a lack of muscle tone. Even if you’re not overweight in general, snoring might occur if you carry excess weight around your neck or throat. Stopping your snoring might often be as simple as exercising and decreasing weight.
The way you’re made. Snoring is more common in men due to their narrower airways. A cleft palate, swollen adenoids, and other physical characteristics associated with snoring are commonly passed down through families. Snoring is a common problem, but it can be minimized with some simple lifestyle adjustments, nighttime habits, and throat exercises.
The sinuses and the nose. Snoring occurs as a result of a vacuum in the throat caused by narrowed airways or a congested nose.
The use of intoxicating substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs. Snoring can be exacerbated by alcohol consumption, smoking, and the use of tranquilizers such lorazepam (Ativan) and diazepam (Valium).
The position of one’s body as one sleeps. Sleeping on your back relaxes the soft tissues in your throat, making it difficult for you to breathe. Sleeping in a different position can be beneficial.
Ruling out more serious causes
Sleep apnea, a dangerous sleep disease in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted, may be the cause of your snoring. Sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing issues can cause extreme exhaustion and sleepiness throughout the day, so if you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s best to get checked out. If you or your partner in bed have spotted any of the following red flags, you should see your doctor right once.
- Snoring and exhaustion are common side effects of your sleep disorder.
- A choking or gasping sensation can occur while you’re sleeping.
- You have a habit of falling asleep in the middle of a discussion or while eating.
Linking the cause of your snoring to the cure
Keeping an eye out for trends in your snoring might help you figure out why you snore, what aggravates it, and what you can do to stop it. It’s a good idea to keep a sleep journal to keep track of crucial trends (or use a sleep tracking app). Sleep partners can help fill in the blanks. Install a camera in your room if you’re a lone wolf and want to see what happens when you’re asleep.
The way you snore shows why you snore.
The snoring style
What it could mean
Snoring with your mouth closed could be an indication of an issue with your tongue.
Snoring with a gaping mouth.
Could be a symptom of throat tissue damage.
Sleeping on your back might cause snoring.
Snoring may have been reduced to a more manageable level.
What causes obstructed air flow?
It is the leading cause of death. When we gain too much weight, the fat around our necks exerts pressure on our airways, resulting in difficulty breathing. Having too much fat doesn’t just affect the areas of the body visible from the outside. The airway is similarly concealed on the inside. Constriction is caused by these two factors alone, but lying flat also causes the tongue to slip back into the throat. This also impedes air movement.. Airflow is impeded by all of this additional tissue when we inhale. When air moves through the tissue, it vibrates, which produces the snoring sound.
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Snoring can also be caused by allergies. The movement of air via the nose is impeded by an increase in nasal congestion. Antihistamines can also cause snoring in allergy sufferers, so they may not be completely free of snoring. Relaxes the muscles at the rear of your mouth, preventing air from flowing in and out of your mouth.
In addition to alcohol and sleeping medications, the muscles around the airway can also become relaxed, resulting in a blockage.
Sometimes, it’s because of the body’s structure that the problem occurs. A deviated septum or swollen tonsils are examples of this. Another possibility is a broken nose.
Why is snoring bad for you?
Snoring isn’t usually a sign of a more dangerous illness known as sleep apnea, although it can be. Sleep apnea is characterized by significant pauses in breathing that can last for many seconds or even minutes at a time. Breathing pauses like these deplete the body’s supply of oxygen, which can lead to more significant health problems. Snoring loudly and frequently is a warning indication, as is feeling tired throughout the day. The partner of a person with sleep apnea is often the one who discovers that he or she has a problem. Click here to take a one-minute online assessment to see if you or your partner are at risk for sleep apnoea. An overnight sleep study can be used to determine if there is a problem with your breathing while you sleep. A CPAP machine, weight loss, or surgery to remove obstructions to the airway can all be used to treat sleep apnea.
Self-help tips to stop snoring
Finding the correct anti-snoring equipment can be a daunting endeavor because there are so many out there and more are being added all the time. There are a lot of devices on the market that don’t have any study to back them up, or they just operate by keeping you awake at night. However, there are other methods that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of snoring. Putting an end to your snoring may need patience, lifestyle adjustments, and a willingness to try with various treatments.
Bedtime remedies to help you stop snoring
It’s time to switch up your sleeping arrangement. Elevating your head by four inches may help you breathe more easily and move your tongue and jaw forward. Snoring can be prevented by ensuring that your neck muscles are not pinched when you sleep.
Avoid sleeping on your back by switching to your side. T-shirts and pajamas can be made more fun by tying a tennis ball to the back (you can sew a sock to the back of your top then put a tennis ball inside). Tennis ball discomfort will cause you to flip back over onto your side if you roll over onto your back. A tennis ball-filled pillow can also be used as an alternative. You’ll become used to sleeping on your side after a while, so you won’t need the tennis balls anymore.
Invest in an anti-snoring mouthpiece. Open your airway by pulling your lower jaw and/or tongue forward during sleep with these athletic-looking mouth guards. While a custom-made appliance from a dentist might be pricey, DIY kits are also available for a fraction of the cost.
Clear the nasal passageways. Rinse your sinuses with saline before going to sleep if you have a stuffy nose. You may also find that using a neti pot, nasal decongestant, or nasal strips makes it easier to breathe at night. Allergic to dust mites and pet dander? Use an antihistamine or decrease their presence in your bedroom.
Make sure the air in your bedroom is always moist. If you have swollen nasal tissues due to dry air irritating the membranes in your nose and throat, you may benefit from using a humidifier.
Lifestyle changes to help you stop snoring
Reduce your body weight. As little as a few pounds of weight loss can help lessen or even eliminate snoring, which can be caused by excess fat at the back of the throat.
Smoking is bad for your health. Snoring is more likely if you’re a smoker. Smoking can cause snoring by irritating the mucous membranes in the nose and throat, which can narrow the airways. Quitting smoking is often easier said than done, but once you do, you’ll notice a big difference in your snoring.
You should stay away from substances that relax the throat muscles and make breathing difficult, such as alcohol, sleeping tablets, and other sedatives. Your doctor should also be aware of any prescription medications you’re on, as they can cause snoring by promoting deeper sleep.
Be cautious about what you consume in the hours leading up to your bedtime. Snoring can get worse if you eat a heavy meal or drink milk or soy milk soon before bedtime, according to studies.
Even if you don’t lose weight, regular exercise can help you stop snoring. You can reduce snoring by exercising your throat muscles in addition to other parts of your body, such as your arms, legs, and abs. Strengthening your throat muscles can be accomplished through a variety of workouts.
Six anti-snoring throat exercises
The muscles in the upper respiratory tract can be strengthened and snoring reduced by making certain vowel sounds and curling the tongue in specific ways, according to research. Exercises like these can help:
- For three minutes, several times a day, say aloud the four vowels (a-e-i-o-u).
- Tip your tongue toward the back of your upper front teeth. Do this for three minutes a day, and you’ll see an improvement.
- Keep your lips pursed and your mouth shut. Hold for a full 30 seconds.
- For 30 seconds, open your mouth and move your jaw to the right. Replicate on the other side.
- For 30 seconds, repeatedly contract your throat’s back muscle while your mouth is open. The uvula (the dangling ball) can be seen moving up and down in the mirror.
- For a more fun exercise, simply spend time singing. Singing can increase muscle control in the throat and soft palate, reducing snoring caused by slack muscles.
Medical treatment for snoring
Spend some time singing if you want a more enjoyable workout. Singing can help reduce snoring by tightening up the muscles in the throat and soft palate, which helps keep them relaxed as you sleep.
Spend some time singing if you’re looking for a more enjoyable workout. Increasing throat and soft palate muscular control through singing can help reduce snoring due to weak muscles.
Medical cures for snoring
A medical device or surgical procedure may be recommended by your doctor, such as:
Airway Pressure Maintaining a Positive Flow (CPAP). A machine at your bedside blasts compressed air into a mask that you wear over your nose or face while you sleep.
This procedure, known as laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP), is performed by cutting the soft palate on each side of the uvula with a laser. The surrounding tissues tighten when the incisions heal, reducing snoring-inducing vibrations.
Placing small plastic implants in the soft palate, known as palatal implants or the Pillar technique, helps keep the soft palate from collapsing and causing snoring.
The uvula and soft palate tissues that vibrate while snoring are removed using low-level radiofrequency heat in the somnoplasty procedure. A local anesthetic is used during the treatment, which lasts roughly 30 minutes.
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By pushing your lower jaw or tongue forward while you sleep, custom-made dental gadgets and lower jaw-positioners can help open your airway. Seeing a dentist who is an expert in dental implants is essential for the best results.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty (TAP) are surgical treatments that improve airway size by surgically removing tissues or correcting defects.
Snoring and your relationship
Snoring may put a burden on any relationship, no matter how much you care for each other. It’s easy to become bitter if you’re the one who has to sit up all night listening to your partner snore. So, if you’re bothered by your partner’s complaints about your snoring, you may feel helpless, guilty, or annoyed.
Snoring can cause tension in a relationship in a number of ways, including:
Separate sleeping quarters. In certain cases, couples may find this to be a solution, but it can also harm emotional and physical intimacy. Snoring can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as being unfairly punished.
Sleep deprivation causes irritability. You don’t have to be a snorer to be bothered by interrupted sleep. snoring is caused by a person’s inability to breathe properly, which in turn affects their sleep. A person’s mood, mental abilities, judgment, and ability to deal with stress and conflict are all negatively impacted by a lack of quality sleep. When you and your partner try to discuss a situation, it’s common for communication to break down.
Relationship tension. Non-snorers may become resentful if the snorer doesn’t do anything to stop the snoring, even though the non-snorer has done all they can to help them sleep.
If your relationship is important to you, then finding a snoring cure should be one of your top priorities. In fact, working together to find a solution to the problem of nighttime snoring can strengthen your relationship and bring you closer together.
Communicating with a partner who snores
So, everything about your relationship is perfect, except for the fact that they snore. It’s perfectly natural. When it comes to sleep deprivation, even the most forbearing of us will snap out of it. While the amount of sleep you’ve lost due to snoring is unavoidable, it’s crucial to treat the issue with care. Try to keep your frustration in check while you’re having trouble sleeping. Snoring is a problem for you, not your partner. The fact that your partner is snoring is likely to make them feel vulnerable, defensive, and even a bit ashamed.
Watch the clock when you speak. When you’re both fatigued, it’s best to avoid talking in the wee hours of the morning or late at night.
Keep in mind that this isn’t on purpose. Even though it’s easy to blame your partner when you can’t sleep, bear in mind that they aren’t doing it on purpose.
Avoid reacting in a rage. Despite the fact that sleep deprivation might have a negative impact on your health, try to avoid a confrontational attitude to the issue.
Bitterness should be avoided at all costs. Take care not to let any pent-up anger about your partner’s snoring leak out via this.
Snoring can be brought up in a light-hearted way without causing your partner any distress. It’s amazing how much tension can be relieved by simply laughing about it. Be careful to not transform it into a kind of bullying.
Dealing with complaints about your snoring
When a partner complains about your snoring, it’s normal to feel surprised and hurt. In the end, you probably didn’t even know it was occurring. That snoring can wreak such havoc in a relationship is absurd, but it happens all too often and affects many people.
The message you convey to your partner if you ignore their worries and refuse to address your snoring is that you don’t care about their needs. Because of this, you may have a serious relationship issue going on rather than just the constant snoring.
Consider the following as you and your partner try to find a solution to your snoring:
It’s important to understand that snoring is a medical condition. You don’t have anything to be ashamed about. If you have a cold or a pulled muscle, you can do something about it.
You shouldn’t take this personally. Avoid seeing your partner’s annoyance or irritation as a personal indictment. Despite your partner’s dislike for your snoring, he or she still loves you.
Don’t play games with your relationship; instead, treat them with respect. Avoid downplaying the importance of your concerns. You and your partner’s health could be in jeopardy if you don’t get enough sleep.
Make it apparent that the relationship is important to you. Your snoring problem will be solved if you and your spouse are on the same page.
Resolve any issues that arise as a result of bad behavior. Sleep deprivation can cause moodiness and impatience, so let your snoring partner know that it’s not acceptable for them to throw an elbow or snapped at you.
When Should You Speak With a Doctor About Snoring?
Snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea, which is a health issue for those who snore. In the event that you are experiencing any of the following symptoms in addition to snoring, you should seek medical attention.
- coughing, snorting, and gasping noises made when sleeping.
- a pattern of nighttime awakenings
- Sleepiness during the day
- Morning aches and pains
Snoring often goes unnoticed by the snorer; rather, a bed partner or housemate alerts the affected individual about their snoring and other nighttime OSA symptoms. If your snoring is disturbing your sleeping partner, you may want to consult a physician about your snoring and possible treatment options.
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