One of the most critical parts of good health is a good night’s sleep. When we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies and minds suffer, making it difficult for them to repair and revitalize themselves.
The quality of your mattress is critical to a restful night’s sleep. There are few items that can have such a profound impact on our health and well-being, and this one is no exception. As a result, it is critical to choose the greatest mattress available and replace it according to expert recommendations. When should you get a new mattress?
You are reading: When Should You Replace Your Mattress? A Perfect Guide For You!
Mattresses should be replaced every six to eight years in typical conditions.
Of all, this is only a general rule of thumb and not a fix-all. When it’s time to get a new mattress, a number of things come into play.
If one or more of the following is true, you should replace your mattress:
- At least 6 to 8 years old.
- It’s interfering with your ability to sleep.
- In some places, it appears to have been destroyed or saggy.
- A lot of noise is coming from it than usual (noisy springs are common in old innerspring mattresses)
- When staying at a hotel or a friend’s residence, you may notice that you get more rest.
- You begin to notice an increase in allergies and/or asthma symptoms.
- Muscle or joint stiffness is a common occurrence in your morning routine.
If you’re no longer getting a good night’s sleep, it’s time to acquire a new bed. There’s no surefire way to tell if it’s time for a new bed, but in general, if you’re contemplating a new bed, it’s probably worth the money to get one sooner rather than later.
Factors Influencing Mattress Lifespan
A mattress’s lifespan is influenced by a number of things. For example, a cheap $250 mattress will disintegrate far more quickly than a luxury mattress. Guidelines for mattress replacement are affected by a number of different circumstances.
Choosing the right mattress material can have a significant impact on how long it lasts. All-foam mattresses and lower-quality innerspring mattresses tend to have the shortest lifespans due to sagging and body imprints, respectively. Although hybrid mattresses are susceptible to these difficulties, they tend to be more lasting because they are generally advertised as higher-end options and are manufactured with better materials. The most long-lasting mattresses are those made of latex, which can last up to eight years or more.
Depending on the material, there are a few good methods for predicting the product’s lifespan. The lower the coil gauge, the better for innerspring and hybrid mattresses (which means thicker coils). For polyfoam and memory foam mattresses, seek for higher densities (1.7+ PCF for polyfoam, 5+ PCF). Finally, check to see if the latex you’re purchasing is natural rather than synthetic.
If you take care of your mattress, it will last longer than if you don’t. Every three months or so (unless your manufacturer recommends differently), rotate your mattress and put on a mattress protector.
A mattress’s degradability is also influenced by how heavy you are, as well as the weight of anyone who sleeps with you. When it comes to mattress sagging, heavier sleepers will notice it more quickly, whilst lighter sleepers will have less of an influence. An extra-large mattress that can accommodate two people will last longer than one that is designed for one person.
When it comes to children and pets, it’s a no-brainer If you have pets or small children sharing your bed, you should expect to have to replace your mattress more often than normal. Additionally, pets and children are more prone to create stains and/or damage to the mattress because of their weight.
Is a New Mattress Worth the Cost?
Weighing the pros and cons of purchasing an entirely new mattress can be difficult.
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The answer is usually always a resounding “yes.” Everything from your energy levels to your mood to your general health can benefit from a good mattress. The following are some of the potential advantages of purchasing a new mattress:
Peer-reviewed clinical trials in 2009 indicated that new mattresses considerably enhanced the quality of sleep and reduced both back pain and perceived stress among participants. After acquiring a new mattress, most new mattress owners report an improvement in their sleep quality.
Back, shoulders, hips, and neck discomfort may be caused by a mattress that is too firm for your body to adapt to properly. Older mattresses can sag, making it more difficult for your spine to be correctly oriented.
Older mattresses have a tendency to transfer more motion from one side of the bed to the other, which can make it difficult to sleep. When one of you shifts positions during the night, it can disturb your sleep. It’s easier for couples to enjoy a good night’s sleep on a new mattress, especially an all-foam or hybrid model.
Reduced Allergies/Asthma – Old mattresses accumulate dust mites, mold, bacteria and other allergens at an alarming rate. A small study by the National University of Singapore found that mattresses had the highest concentration of dust mites out of any household item, and other allergens are also very common in older mattresses. If you’ve found that your allergies or asthma symptoms have worsened, your mattress may be partially to blame.
Different mattresses have different levels of durability
Memory foam
Asthma/Allergie Reduction – Old mattresses accumulate an alarming amount of dust mites, mildew, germs and other allergens. Mattresses had the highest concentration of dust mites and other allergens of any household item, according to a short study by the National University of Singapore. In the event that your allergies or asthma problems have gotten worse, you should check your mattress.
Most innerspring mattresses have a lifespan of five to ten years. However, if properly cared for, cleaned, and, if flippable, rotated on a regular basis, they can survive even longer.
If its coil system and base foam materials are of high quality, these mattresses can provide a good level of durability. If they’re properly cared for, they can endure for up to seven and a half years on average.
It’s easier for clients to tolerate the higher price tags of latex beds because of their lengthy lifespan. If you select the natural or organic latex variety, they can be even more durable. Even though they only have an average lifespan of eight years, they sometimes come with long warranties, some of which go up to 25 years.
These mattresses have adjustable air chambers that can be used individually on each side or as a whole. Remote controls are available for those who like to use them. Although they are more expensive than other options, they are also noted for their high quality materials and durability, which on average lasts for at least eight years on average. These have a major drawback in that they are susceptible to equipment failure, which can be costly to fix.
When to replace your mattress
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve owned your mattress; there are some telltale signals that it’s time to get a new one. These are only a few examples:
- You’ve noticed that you’re having problems sleeping on a regular basis without any apparent cause.
- Sagging or damage to the centre or corners of your mattress is becoming apparent.
- There may be lumps and bumps all over it since it’s become asymmetrical.
- When you get out of bed in the morning, your joints or muscles are in discomfort, sore, or stiff.
- Memory foam retains the impressions of your body indefinitely.
- If the amount of days you miss from work due to allergies or asthma has increased, this could be the cause.
- Depending on how long you’ve owned your mattress, the firmness or softness of it has changed.
- Eventually, you begin to notice that you sleep better at other people’s homes or in motels.
- Sleeping on your mattress is becoming increasingly difficult or taking significantly longer than it used to.
- Starting to get a little noisy is the mattress (for example, you can hear springs squeaking when you turn over on it)
- It’s noticeable that the edges are tattered.
- As your bed’s ability to decrease motion transmission diminishes, you become increasingly aware of your partner’s movements.
How Often You Should Replace Your Mattress?
Replace when you notice signs of wear and tear.
Mattresses that show obvious symptoms of wear and tear should be replaced as soon as possible. All of these issues can be found in mattresses with broken springs protruding from its surface, rips, tears and holes in the cover of its mattress, crumbling foam and holes or leaks in an air mattress’s bladder.
Another indication that your mattress needs to be replaced is an increase in symptoms related to allergies or asthma. Your mattress will collect dead skin, oils from your body and moisture no matter how often you vacuum and clean it. This will lead to an increase in the number of mites that feed on dead skin cells. There are between 100,000 and 10 million dust mites in an average used mattress that can cause allergic reactions in many people and exacerbate asthma symptoms, according to a study published by Ohio State University. Similar to the formation of mold and mildew on your skin, a mattress can absorb oil and moisture from your body. If your mattress has black patches, moldy or musty odors, it’s time to get a new one.
Replace when the springs become noisy.
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If your mattress’s springs begin to creak, this is a symptom that the innersprings are worn out and need to be replaced. Coils that make squeaking or creaking sounds have degraded to the point where they could sag or snap. It’s time to get a new mattress if you can see or feel the springs protruding through the cover. With time, when the coils of the box spring wear down, you may hear creaking or squeaking from below your mattress. As the coils in your mattress wear down, you may begin to hear or feel the movements of your companion more frequently than before.
Replace if you consistently wake up stiff and sore.
By providing support and alignment for your spine and body, a good mattress not only helps you sleep better, but it also improves your overall health. Your mattress should be replaced if you wake up stiff and sore, with unexplained aches and pains in your back, sides; neck; knees; and shoulders. A excellent technique to see if this is the case is to spend the night in a different bed. Sleeping better in hotels or at someone else’s house may indicate that your mattress needs replacing.
Replace when you don’t feel rested after waking up.
It’s possible that an old mattress is to blame if you wake up exhausted after tossing and turning all night. It is well-known that a good night’s sleep is difficult to come by if your mattress is sagging. A new mattress should be purchased if you notice any troughs or dips in your current one. The mattress’s foam and other cushioning may have shifted or degraded, preventing you from finding a comfortable sleeping position, thus it’s time for the mattress to be replaced.
Replace if you’ve experienced a significant change in weight.
It is important to note that the weight of the people who sleep on a mattress has a significant impact on the mattress’s lifespan. Mattresses may wear out faster if you sleep on them with more than 250 pounds on them each night, according to Dr. Jonathan S. Kirschner of the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. A large weight gain or reduction might alter the mattress’s ability to adapt to the position you sleep in, which in turn affects the mattress’s longevity. If you find yourself no longer able to sleep well after increasing or losing weight, you may want to consider purchasing a new mattress.
Replace when your mattress noticeably sags.
Weakness is not good. While your mattress will naturally adjust to your body weight and sleeping position over time, if you see big valleys, dips, grooves, or sagging areas, it’s time to get a new one. Heavy sleepers may experience the “hammock effect,” or drooping, sooner; persons who sleep on their sides may detect sagging around the hips and shoulders. To keep your mattress from sagging, try rotating it from head to foot every six months or so. It’s important to keep in mind that most modern mattresses aren’t built to be turned over top to bottom.
How to Make Your Mattress Last Longer
Taking proper care of your mattress will extend its usable life. When it comes to TLC, it all starts with the purchase and setup: First and foremost, ensure sure you have a high-quality mattress and a sturdy base or foundation to support it. Memory-foam and latex-foam mattresses, which are denser and heavier, necessitate a firm foundation or platform, while typical innerspring mattresses require a box spring.
It’s time to show your mattress a little love after it’s in place. You can extend the life of your mattress by using a quality mattress protector. As a result, it will assist to keep your mattress from becoming soaked in body oils and perspiration as well as dead skin cells, dust mites, mildew and stains. Cleaning and vacuuming your mattress on a regular basis, as well as changing your sheets, will help extend the life of your mattress. To avoid stains and spills, don’t eat or drink in bed. A longer-lasting mattress can be achieved by preventing pets from sleeping on the bed and children from using it as a trampoline.
Use a mattress protector.
Mattress coverings made of crackly vinyl are a thing of the past. In addition to extending the life of the mattress, today’s mattress covers provide additional comfort by including foam cushioning or fiberfill batting. To keep them from absorbing body oils, sweat, dead skin cells and dust mites, they’re usually made of moisture-resistant fabrics that can help repel spills and stains. Many mattress coverings on the market now are designed to completely encircle the bed. Zippers are commonly used in these encasement covers so they may be taken out and cleaned as needed.
Place it on the right box spring or foundation.
It is critical that you acquire the suitable basis for your new mattress, as different types of mattresses require different bases. Today, the most popular and best-selling mattress bases are adjustable, allowing users to modify the mattress’s position by raising the head or foot region; some also contain heating and massage capabilities. Foam and hybrid mattresses, on the other hand, often necessitate a more sturdy foundation or platform than classic innerspring beds.
When purchasing a mattress, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and purchase the suitable foundation. Even though foundations and mattresses are typically offered together, the foundation may last longer than the mattress. Warping can be seen as an obvious symptom of wear and tear and should be checked routinely.
Inspect the mattress every 6 months.
Make sure to check your mattress for symptoms of wear and tear before you find yourself with a broken spring or chronic backaches. Most manufacturers recommend cleaning and inspecting your mattress periodically, but you should do so at least once every six months. Make sure to look for any apparent sagging or lumpiness. Make sure to rotate the mattress from head to toe to avoid generating dips and valleys caused by your weight.
Keep pets off the bed to prevent chewing or tearing.
While many people enjoy cuddling with their pets in bed, it’s best to keep them off the mattress if you can help it. Bored or agitated animals may gnaw or claw at the mattress, resulting to rips and tears, especially in the case of younger or older pets. Instead, invest on a high-quality pet bed and put off the cuddling until another time and place.
DO NOT jump on the mattress!
We all remember how much fun it was to jump on the bed when we were kids. However, doing so can seriously limit the lifespan of your mattress and put your children at risk of a fall as well! When you jump on the bed, you put a lot of pressure on a tiny area of the mattress and base, which aren’t meant for that kind of impact. If you keep jumping on the bed, you’ll wear out the coils and maybe shatter or warp the base, resulting in poor mattress life. Use the trampoline for your jumping instead!
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Category: Sleep Advisors