You finally got rid of your old mattress and replaced it with a new, pristine one. Congratulations! You can finally sleep soundly at night after months of trying.
As you lay in bed, hoping to go off to sleep, you may begin to notice that the minutes are ticking by without you actually drifting off to sleep.
You are reading: How To Break In A New Mattress? 8 Helpful Tips To Remember
You toss and turn in an effort to find a position that is both comfortable and restful. Was there a blunder on your part? Is your brand-new mattress a flop?
To get into a new bed, you may need to learn how to get in. Your bed, like a new pair of noisy shoes, will soften up with use. This guide will show you what to do if you bought a model that isn’t a good fit for you in the first place.
Why Do You Need to Break in Your Mattress?
You don’t just have to break in your shoes. Mattresses, trousers, baseball gloves, and even car engines all need to be broken in before they can be used.
Consider this: you’re comfortable with your current mattress. Those droopy indents, worn-out springs, and tattered fabric are all things you’ve come to expect from these chairs. For some people, getting used to the feel of a new, hard surface takes some time.
Because of this, it’s possible that your body has become accustomed to the discomfort of being out of alignment. Some mattresses are more firm than others for the first few months.
The first few nights or weeks on a new bed can be a little awkward. Some people fall in love the very first night, while others may suffer for months or longer before they finally discover their soul mate.
Follow these suggestions to speed up the process of breaking in your new bed.
Which Mattress Type Is the Quickest to Break In?
Regardless of the type of mattress, there is a break-in phase, which means that the mattress will feel a little firmer when it is new. Some mattresses, on the other hand, are more forgiving and adapt to your body more rapidly. Now let’s explore what each of these has to offer.
- Innerspring mattresses. The basic construction of an innerspring mattress includes a layer of coils — either solid or individually wrapped — and a comfort layer made of soft foam or fiber padding. Thanks to that, innerspring beds usually break in more quickly but also wear out more quickly than other mattress types.
- Mattresses with springs. Innerspring mattresses have a layer of coils, which can be either solid or individually wrapped, and a comfort layer of soft foam or fiber cushioning. Because of this, innerspring mattresses break in more quickly, but they also wear out more quickly than other mattress kinds.
- Mattresses made of latex. Memory foam, on the other hand, is less breathable and elastic than natural latex. As a result, it’s possible that latex beds require less time to break-in than foam ones. But the most important thing to remember is that the sensation of a broken-in latex mattress will be very similar to that of a new one. Synthetic latex, on the other hand, is not covered by any of this.
- A hybrid mattress. It is possible that the time needed to break in a hybrid mattress will differ greatly depending on its construction. Models containing coils, for example, will break in faster than foam and latex models. There’s no way to predict how long a hybrid mattress’ break-in process will last based on the gauge or density of its coils or foam.
Breaking in a New Mattress – Tips & Tricks
Let Your Mattress Breathe
Chances are you received your bed compressed or rolled in a box when you purchased it online. To be on the safe side, it’s been well-protected with plastic wrap.
There may be an off-gassing smell for one or two days after the materials are installed. In addition, it may take some time for your mattress to expand to its full size if it was compressed during shipping.
It can take anywhere from four to 10 hours to fully expand, depending on the type you purchased. The mattress may not be able to expand properly if you sleep on it before it has had a chance to fully expand. Let your mattress breathe for the first 24 hours without any sheets or body weight on it.
Put on the Pressure
If you want to make your bed more comfortable, walk on it. On latex and memory foam surfaces, this method works nicely.
If you have an innerspring or hybrid mattress, crawl on your hands and knees instead of lying down. To put it another way, if your weight is concentrated too much on the springs, they can buckle or degrade more quickly.
Instead of going along your bed, consider building piles of books on top of one another.
Be Patient
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If you don’t like the way your new bed feels right away, don’t give up. You may have had a blister the first time you wore your favorite pair of shoes. Keep in mind that it could take up to six weeks for your new mattress to feel right at home.
Because of the endurance of the materials, the greater the quality, the longer it may take, so keep that in mind as well.
Warm it Up
When it becomes heated, memory foam softens and becomes more pliable, something you may not have realized if you had it. Keep in mind that mattress breaking-in takes time, so you may want to consider keeping your bedroom a few degrees warmer than usual. It’s supposed to soften your mattress.
High temperatures can disturb your sleep, so this is a bit of a compromise. To get the most out of it, you need to be in a space that’s already been warmed up.
Sleep on It Consistently
When you’re feeling down, it’s easy to give up and spend the night on the couch or in the guest room instead. Keep in mind that regular use of your mattress might speed up the process of breaking in. As a result, you’ll be able to take advantage of your purchase even more quickly.
Put It in the Right Foundation
Check to see if the two sections are compatible and that the base isn’t cracked, sagging, or worn out before putting your new bed on top of the old one. The type of bed you presently sleep on may necessitate a new foundation, even if it is not always the case.
Follow Your Gut
Let go of this bed if you know in your heart that it’s not for you. However, before passing judgment, it’s worth giving it a shot.
Give It the Full Time
Most companies need customers to sleep on the product for a certain number of nights before they can return or exchange it. Many people need time to get used to sleeping on something new, and these companies are aware of this. Customers frequently reach a decision on whether or not they like or dislike their purchase within the timeframe they choose.
Why not give it a shot if they say to sleep on it for thirty nights before asking for a refund? Consider seeking for a company that doesn’t demand four or more weeks of sleepless nights or contacting the brand to express your problem.
How Long Does It Take to Break In?
Innerspring mattresses are normally comfortable within a short period of time. Rather than being too thick or stiff, this mattress’ springs gently adjust to your weight. Although it may take up to four weeks, you may begin to feel better on your first night.
The springs in these mattresses can decay more quickly than high-density memory foam, so keep that in mind. As a result, every three to six months, be sure to flip your mattress over from head to foot.
Latex has a wide range of time periods. If the latex is natural or synthetic, as well as if the product is made entirely of latex or a hybrid, this could have an effect.
There is usually a significant lot of air in these mattresses, which makes it easier to get them used to. Within two to fourteen days, you should be able to get a feel for your new latex mattress.
Memory Foam
This type of memory foam can seem like a cloud at first, but a few months later, it can feel as though you’re sinking into a hole.
If you’re looking for something that will last you a long time, go with a higher density model. Memory foam beds take longer to break in if the density is high. It’s possible that it will take as long as sixty days.
What if It Never Breaks In?
Never say never, as the adage goes. The mattress will eventually break in, but that doesn’t mean it will be comfortable.
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It’s a good idea to wait for as long as the manufacturer specifies. Even if it still doesn’t fit, get in touch with the retailer to arrange a return or exchange.
Numerous models are available from most businesses. Consider whether you need something softer or firmer in place of what you now have.
Rather than risk losing you, they’d rather incur the cost of providing you with a new bed.
You may have to return your bed and start the purchasing process all over if the manufacturer or retailer does not have another model accessible or suitable. To begin the return process, you must have a copy of your receipt on hand.
Please be extra careful not to harm the merchandise in any way during your trial period. If you misuse a product, you may not be able to get a refund from a company that accepts returned goods.
When Should You Give Up?
In some cases, no matter how much you experiment, your mattress will remain overly stiff. Choosing the improper mattress type or the inappropriate firmness level may be to blame. And at that point, you should consider returning it (or exchanging).
Nowadays, nearly all manufacturers provide a free 100-night sleep trial. A break-in period is nearly always required as well (30 days in most cases). You can return your mattress if it still doesn’t feel right after 30 days. Wait a few weeks before requesting a refund.
Do you have to break in a new mattress?
You don’t need to break in a new mattress if you’re comfy on it. The break-in period may be necessary if it’s too firm for you.
How long does it take to break in a new mattress?
For most mattresses, the typical break-in period is about 30 days.
How to tell if a mattress is too firm?
The lack of contouring is the first symptom of a mattress that is too firm. Too hard of a mattress will not conform to your body and can cause back pain when you wake up.
What is the fastest way to make a firm mattress soft?
Spending as much time on it as possible is the fastest way to soften it. You can also use the hard surface for other activities like watching TV, reading, working, and so on. In the event that you don’t have the time to devote to the project, stack it with books when you’re away from home.
Is it effective to walk on it?
For memory foam and latex surfaces, this method works well. While it may sound juvenile, for innerspring or spring hybrid mattresses, crawling around instead of standing on your feet is a good way to distribute your weight more evenly and avoid putting too much stress on the springs.
How can I tell if my mattress is too firm?
Your shoulders, arms, and hips may be in pain because the mattress is excessively hard. In contrast, if your main complaint is lower back pain, this indicates that the mattress is excessively soft.
Is it normal for a new mattress to cause back pain?
Even while a new mattress may cause some discomfort, if you wake up every morning with back pain, there’s obviously something more going on. Because of your weight or sleeping posture, you may have chosen a mattress with an incorrect firmness level.
Your way of life could also be to blame for the back pain. Do you engage in high-impact physical activities? Or do you spend most of your time sitting and slouching? Your back pain could be caused by any one of these causes.
The fact that you spend most of your waking hours in your bed should serve as a wake-up call to you that you should never compromise on your level of comfort. Make sure you’ve done your homework before making a purchase. Before you make a purchase, consider these suggestions may be helpful:
- Take a look at other people’s feedback. Those who speak of situations similar to yours should get your full attention (low back pain or having arthritis, for example).
- Check out the return policy. Is there a certain number of nights you must spend on the mattress before you can return it? Is there enough time given by the organization for you to make a decision?
- Ask if there are any more products available from the company that can help ensure your satisfaction. Some mattress manufacturers offer “comfort kits” that allow you to adjust the firmness or softness of your mattress.
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