Curiosity abounds in toddlers, as do their high spirits and, of course, their level of energy. While you may enjoy spending time with your child and seeing the world through their eyes, you may also enjoy the break you get when they take a sleep.
You and your child can recharge during nap time. As a result, if your child begins to show indications of weaning themselves from naps, you may be reluctant to accept this new development. However, this is a significant achievement that merits acknowledgment.
You are reading: When Do Kids Stop Napping? 5 Signs Your Toddler Should Stop Napping
Your infant is maturing and taking fewer naps. In addition, they are more likely to sleep through the night and are less likely to wake you up at 4 a.m., which means that you will get more sleep.
But how do you tell if your child is ready to give up their slumber and go to school? What can you do to make the change easier for yourself?
When your child no longer takes naps, you can expect the following.
When Should Kids Stop Napping?
Parents must pay attention to their children’s demands as they get older because the age at which children quit napping varies. A good rule of thumb is that youngsters should cease napping when they no longer require a sleep to keep them up for the entire day.
As they get older, many kids will quit napping on their own. When a youngster is ready to cease napping, there are a number of telltale indicators, including:
- Taking a nap is a challenge for them since they have trouble winding down. Nap time might be difficult for children who are no longer sleepy during the day and have a consistent mood on non-nap days. It’s not uncommon for children to engage in activities such as singing and playing while they sleep. This could be an indication that a child still needs a nap, but that the time at which it takes place needs to be modified.
- They have trouble winding down and getting to sleep at night. If your child takes a nap during the day, they may have trouble falling asleep at night, resulting in less sleep overall. It is possible to shorten children’s nap times so that they are more tired by the time they go to bed. Do not make your child stay up later. Monitor the child’s sleepiness and put them to bed when they’re ready. Shorter naps are generally preferable to later bedtimes.
- They’re getting up earlier and earlier. If your child takes a sleep during the day when it is no longer necessary, they may be well rested by the time they get up in the morning. Try cutting the length of your child’s naps if they still require them but are waking up too early.
- On days when they don’t have naps, they don’t show any signs of drowsiness. Your child may be ready to stop taking naps if she isn’t yawning or having trouble staying awake throughout the day, and if she isn’t getting grumpy at night.
- No longer do they have any snooze time. They can play or read as long as they want during their allotted nap time.
When Do Kids Still Need Naps?
Until the age of one year, infants will sleep anywhere from one to four times a day. Taking naps becomes less and less necessary as one’s brain develops. When a child is 18-24 months old, he or she just requires one daily nap. Early afternoon naps lasting less than 60 minutes have been shown to improve children’s nighttime sleep. Naps, on the other hand, should not be cut short if the child sleeps well at night.
You can tell if your child is still taking naps if you notice any of the following symptoms. They may not be ready to cease sleeping if their behavior changes in the evening, such as becoming irritated or exhausted. People who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have mood swings. Even if your child has slept well the night before, they may still require a daily nap if they have trouble staying awake during the day. You can help your child prepare for the end of naptime routines by reducing the length of the nap.
5 Signs Your Toddler Should Stop Napping
Naps are a godsend for both the fatigued youngster and the exhausted parent. You and your child have a break from racing about all day, and you get a chance to pee alone for the first time. A win-win situation. But, as every parent knows, there comes a point when your child has had enough of naps and no amount of coaxing or bribing can change that. The indicators that your child needs to cease napping are present, and you should pay heed to them.
Trying to make a child nap when they don’t want to can end in a lot of tears, tantrums, and unhappiness. I know it’s tempting to keep trying, but I’m already scared about what I’ll do when my 9-month-old daughter (who already isn’t a great napper) skips daytime sleep altogether. It’s in everyone’s best interest if you give up that snooze.
As a last resort, you can try substituting quiet time for nap time if you need a break and your child still needs some rest. In an interview with Romper, Einstein Pediatrics’ Dr. Florencia Segura says that rather than punishing toddlers for being noisy, parents instead encourage them to spend time alone in their rooms, reading or playing with toys. If he has been very weary or had difficulties sleeping the night before, this break will not only benefit the entire family but will also give him time to fall asleep.
So how can you know if it’s time to quit napping for your child?
1. Your Toddler Has Difficulty Falling Asleep For Naps
One of the most evident signs that your child is ready to give up naps is that they are really difficult to put down for one. Although it may not be immediately apparent to all parents, some children dislike taking naps despite the fact that their bodies require them.
The process normally doesn’t happen immediately, according to Segura, but rather over a period of weeks. In time, you’ll begin to notice that your child has difficulties going asleep at nap time and will nap on some days but not others.”
Also, don’t hold your breath waiting for things to turn around. There will be days when your youngster refuses to nap and days when they appear to want one. If a youngster isn’t weary enough to nap earlier, he or she may want to nap about 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. because they’ll be running out of energy, Segura explains. “Please do not do this because a late nap will make it more difficult for your youngster to go to sleep at night. Instead, walk outside or play a game with them to keep them entertained. You may have to eat and sleep an hour earlier during this change.
2. Your Toddler Won’t Go To Sleep At Their Usual Bedtime
Okay, so let’s pretend that your child is able to go to sleep at the customary hour… But you’ve noticed that kids don’t want to go to sleep at their usual time. This is an indication that they should stop taking naps because they aren’t exhausted enough after one.
“Sleep is governed by two main processes: our circadian rhythm (our internal 24-hour clock) and our sleep pressure drive,” says Innessa Donskoy, a pediatric sleep medicine expert at Advocate Children’s Hospital. In the evening, our sleep pressure is so great that we can easily fall asleep and sleep through the night because of this latter urge for sleep, which starts off low in the morning and increases during the day. The longer we wait to fall asleep, the less likely we are to be able to go back to that “pressure” where we are able to do so easily in the daytime (for example, by taking a nap).”
3. Your Toddler Is Very Irritable
It’s going to be difficult for kids who don’t want to take a nap to accept that they’ll have to take one. Consider this: they’re having a good time and playing… soon you’re locking them in their room, shutting off the lights, and ordering them to get some shuteye.
They’ll get more agitated and cranky if this happens, because that’s how kids react to things they don’t like. It’s possible to try to skip the nap if the youngster is “pleasant and composed without it, or surely routinely stays awake for the entire nap opportunity,” Donskoy tells the New York Daily News.
4. If Your Child Is Around About 5 Years Old, They Can Probably Skip A Nap
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There’s no exact age that your toddler will stop napping: it’s generally between ages 3 and 5, but for some kids, it could be as young as 2 (especially if they have older siblings running around and not napping). Still, if your child is still napping by age 5 and you’ve noticed a difference in behavior, it could mean they’re ready to drop the naps.
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There’s no exact age that your toddler will stop napping: it’s generally between ages 3 and 5, but for some kids, it could be as young as 2 (especially if they have older siblings running around and not napping). Still, if your child is still napping by age 5 and you’ve noticed a difference in behavior, it could mean they’re ready to drop the naps.
No one knows exactly when your toddler will stop napping, but it’s normally around 3 to 5 years old, though it can happen as early as 2 years old for some children (especially if they have older siblings running around and not napping). Aside from that, it’s possible that your child is ready to stop napping by the age of five if you notice an improvement in their conduct.
5. Your Toddler Doesn’t Seem Tired At All At Nap Time
Naps aren’t necessary when your child is ready to stop taking them, and you’ll notice that they don’t look weary at all. Toddlers are at their baseline around the time the nap would normally approach if they aren’t napping anymore.” No, they won’t be’revving up’ or exploding. “They will be doing the same things they are doing at any other time of the day,” Donskoy asserts.
If this is happening to you, you might want to skip your nap. If your child appears to be happy and content without it, they may no longer require naps. Donskoy stresses the importance of paying attention to these indications and promoting stress-free approaches to sleep chances, which allow youngsters to form happy sleep memories that will last a lifetime.
How to drop a nap?
There is a progressive decrease in the length of a toddler’s one nap once they transition from two naps to one, and this decrease can continue for years.
Children who no longer require a nap tend to fall asleep more quickly at night and sleep through the night, making the bedtime process a little less stressful for parents.
You can, however, give your child a shove in the right direction if he or she refuses to take a sleep.
Even if you don’t want to go cold turkey on naps, you can reduce the amount of time your child spends sleeping and wake them up sooner. Dropping one nap every week can help your child’s body get adjusted to getting less sleep during the day.
The amount of sleep your youngster gets will gradually decrease as he or she gets used to it. If they get less sleep at night, it’s possible they will need more rest during the day. If given the opportunity, they may be able to go to sleep earlier or stay in bed later in the morning. As a result, you may need to alter your child’s bedtime or morning routine.
Avoiding afternoon activities that could make your child drowsy can also assist you get your child to stop taking naps. Long automobile rides and periods of idleness are included in this category.
Keeping your child active is an excellent way to keep them awake and stimulated. Keep in mind that a hefty lunch can also cause your youngster to feel sleepy and lethargic. So, eat lighter lunches that are higher in veggies and fruit.
Benefits of rest time at home and school
In spite of the fact that your child is no longer in need of daily naps, it is still beneficial for him or her to have some downtime.
It is important for your child’s physical and mental health to take a break during the school day. They can also benefit from having a “quiet time” plan in place if they are attending a daycare or school that requires them to nap.
However, your child may be asked to lie quietly in their crib so that other children aren’t disturbed, rather than being made to go to sleep. Allow your child some quiet time at home with a picture book or a little stuffed animal or lovey to help them focus on their studies.
When it comes to how long your child spends in a quiet place, it is entirely up to you and your child. Just be aware that while your child is in school or day care, the facility will set the rest time and expect your child to adhere to it.
How Do You Transition Kids Away From Naps?
It may take some time to stop taking naps. Alternating quiet time with nap time might provide kids the option of sleeping or playing quietly, rather than eliminating nap time completely. It is common for preschools and daycares to provide a period of quiet time for youngsters.
Quiet time, like nap time, should have a definite location and time associated with it. Children who aren’t sleeping should engage in an engaging activity to help them wind down for the night and get a good night’s sleep. Consider allowing your youngster to choose from a variety of peaceful hobbies, from reading to puzzle-making. It’s important to get some shut-eye at some point during the day to aid in memory consolidation and recharge.
Avoid activities that cause drowsiness, such as driving or watching television, in place of a nap time. For the sake of their child’s well-being, parents should refrain from engaging in any loud activities themselves. When a child hears a loud noise, they may leave their calm time-space and wander out.
How Does Sleep Change Without Naps?
Children may require more nocturnal sleep if they stop napping. In order to ensure that children who are no longer napping get enough sleep, parents are advised to put them to bed early. Depending on when your child needs to wake up, bedtime may need to be pushed back until 6:30 p.m. because preschoolers need an average of 13 hours of sleep every night.
Parents should establish a regular bedtime routine for their children in order to help them get a good night’s sleep. Snacks, baths, and reading or singing lullabies can all be included in a child’s nightly routine.
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Even if children no longer have a planned nap time, they may still take occasional naps. Your child’s sleep patterns may be affected by growth spurts, habit shifts, and the start of school. As long as the nap time is well-structured and does not disrupt the child’s nocturnal sleep, the return to naps is usually not an issue.
Make sure to keep in mind that even as your child gets older, quiet time is still a vital part of their lives. Additionally, it has been found that adolescents who take naps are less likely to get a good night’s sleep and to sleep well overall.
Whenever you have any doubts about your child’s sleep patterns or see any significant, unexpected shifts in whether or not your child is sleeping enough, it’s best to check in with your child’s pediatrician.
How to Help Your Kids Stop Napping
Getting out of bed in the morning after a nap might be challenging. The adjustment from one nap to none is difficult for many people.
In the first place, remember that every toddler’s face will be different. Some toddlers may be able to stop napping from day one and never need another afternoon nap. Other toddlers may take it a little slower.
When Kids Sometimes Nap and Sometimes Don’t
Your toddler may go three days without an afternoon nap, but on day four, he may require one. My middle son did this for about a year, and I can’t believe it! When he was 3 years old, he would nap one day and not the next; it was an every other day occurrence. As time passed, the number of days he didn’t nap increased, until he only napped once or twice a week or one every ten days. The ability to go weeks without a nap didn’t come to him until he was about 4.5 years old.
When Kids Aren’t Tired
Use your toddler’s clues as a guide as you go through this transition. Don’t try to make your toddler take a nap if he or she doesn’t appear to be exhausted. Put your child to bed with some books and tiny toys and let her to play for an hour. A win-win situation for both you and your toddler, who can rest and play in peace while you take a break. If your child becomes overtired, she can lie down and sleep in peace.
Adjusting Bedtime for When Kids Stop Napping
Keep in mind that in the early stages of this nap transition, you may have to change your child’s bedtime. It is important to keep in mind that for babies and toddlers, the quantity of sleep they get is very stable.
Two-year-olds require 12-14 hours of sleep every night, and three-year-olds require closer to 11-13 hours of sleep per night.
Consequently, if your toddler is no longer napping, he may require a later bedtime (and a later waking time) to make up for the lost daily sleep time. This is not out of the ordinary. On the other hand, if your toddler is like my middle son, you may have to rouse him up from his nap on the days that he does take one.
When to see a doctor?
However, even if naps aren’t necessary for all children, you may worry about an older child who still requires one or a small youngster who refuses one, however is in desperate need of an afternoon siesta.
There is no need to be concerned about older children who are still napping, but it’s always a good idea to check in with your pediatrician just in case.
An older child may still be napping for a variety of reasons. Sleep deprivation can be as easy as going to bed and getting up at the wrong time. It’s also possible that:
- diet
- a lack of movement
- a problem with the way you sleep
- exhaustion brought on by a health problem
Your doctor will work with you and your child to come up with answers, regardless of the situation.
If your child is refusing naps despite the fact that he or she needs them, talk to your doctor about what you can do to encourage them to sleep more. There are sleep consultants, but they can be expensive and unrealistic for many families.
If your child is apprehensive about missing out on something pleasant, is overtired, or is having nightmares, they may be reluctant to take a nap. Take a look at these suggestions to help get your sleep back on track:
- During the 15 to 30 minutes leading up to sleep time, try to create a peaceful atmosphere.
- Stay away from the child’s rest area if you don’t want to disturb them with your noisy conversation. It’s also a good idea to put up a peaceful activity for older children who are no longer napping. As a result, your younger child won’t be left out or feel left out.
- If they’re showing signs of tiredness, they’re probably ready to go to sleep. If their nap is too late, you may miss their sleep window. It’s also possible that you’re putting them to sleep at the wrong time.
- Also, think about making some changes to their sleep routine. You can influence your child’s waking time by what time they go to bed at night. It can also have an impact on their sleep quality. The sooner they wake up, the more likely it is that they will need a nap. It’s also possible that they’ll be extremely fatigued when it’s nap time if they don’t get enough sleep at night.
- Feed them a nutritious lunch that’s low in sugar if possible. A hungry child may not be able to fall asleep.
The Bottom Line
While naps are critical for a child’s growth and development, there comes a point where they are no longer necessary. Although every child is unique, the majority of children stop taking an afternoon sleep between the ages of three and five.
Signs that your child may be ready to cease napping include not sleeping during naptime, difficulty going asleep at midnight, and early morning wake-ups. It’s possible that your toddler or preschooler will no longer require naps if this is the case. Please consult with your child’s healthcare provider if you have any doubts about your child’s need for naps or any other questions about naps or nighttime sleep.
Even if your child does not nap during the day, you can be almost positive that he is no longer napping! Another reminder of your child’s continual development and the progress you’ve made since the arduous newborn stage is in order.
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Category: Sleep Advisors