You’ve come to the correct place if you’ve been wondering whether twins can share a cot or whether each needs their own bed.
So, you’ve just learned that you’ll be blessed with twins? You may be wondering if there is anything your children absolutely need their own beds for, or if they may share a bed.
You are reading: Can Twins Sleep In The Same Crib? Everything To Know!
Learn all you need to know as a twin mom, including how to get your newborn twins to sleep like a rock, right here!
You may be wondering if it’s okay to have your twins sleep in the same crib after you bring them home from the hospital.
There are many advantages to having twins share a bed, but parents should still take precautions to prevent SIDS whenever possible.
Safe sleeping advice for twins
Your hospital may have placed your twins in the same crib, Moses basket, or bassinet, but it is not known whether or not this poses a risk to them.
As a result, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises placing twins to sleep on their backs for at least the first few months, in their separate sleeping spaces in the same room as you.
Twin infants are more likely to be born prematurely or with a low birth weight, both of which can raise their risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), making safe sleeping recommendations even more crucial for them.
After your twins reach the age of six months, you can choose whether to put them in separate cribs or keep them together in one room.
Important data on Twins Sleep is included in every course in our Sleep Series. We want to ensure that you feel supported and well-informed as you navigate the challenges of getting your twins’ or multiples’ to sleep.
Can twins nap together in a safe sleep space?
For the same reasons stated above, it is advised that your twins sleep in separate cribs.
Just like at bedtime, nap time should take place on a flat, firm, waterproof surface with a tightly fitted sheet as the risk of SIDS is dramatically increased when babies are placed on soft bedding.
Because of the high danger of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), it is recommended that naps be taken on a level, hard, waterproof surface with a closely fitting sheet.
If your kids go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, you’ll have more time to yourself and be more likely to get a good night’s rest.
Can you co-sleep with twins?
Co-sleeping with infants is a personal choice made by some parents. This means that their infants are sleeping in the same bed as their parents every night, rather than merely for short periods of time during which the parents can comfort and feed their newborns.
If you or your spouse are smokers (even if you don’t smoke in the bedroom), alcoholics, drug users (including those taking sleep aids), or just plain exhausted, it’s not a good idea to sleep together.
Instead, the AAP suggests keeping your twins in separate cribs while you share a room for at least six months.
While it can often be tempting to bring your twins into bed with you to get them to sleep, especially when you’re sleep-deprived, adult beds can put newborn twins at risk of suffocation, strangulation, and entrapment.
Read more : Why Do I Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night? Comprehensive Guide
However, bringing your newborn twins into your bed can put them at risk of asphyxia, strangling, and trapping, so it’s best to avoid doing so, especially if you’re sleep deprived.
The risk of sudden infant death syndrome can be halved if twins are allowed to share a bedroom with their parents.
Having two cots in a bedroom that is already tight on space might be a challenge. But don’t worry, you can still put your mind at ease knowing your twins are sleeping safely thanks to compact alternatives like Moses baskets and portable cots. A solid, flat mattress devoid of pillows and soft blankets is all that is required.
Co-sleeping with other children or a twin sibling is perfectly fine, despite the AAP’s lack of guidelines on the topic.
Sleeping tips for twins and multiples
It can be challenging enough to become a parent for the first time, but adding a second child to the mix is a whole other ballgame.
There is no magic wand we can wave to make your infants sleep through the night or stop crying, but the following advice can help you establish healthy sleeping habits so that you can sail through your first few weeks as a parent of twins.
Synchronize schedules
The most important piece of advise we can give is to try to keep your twins on the same schedule for eating and sleeping.
If one infant awakes for a feeding, you should do the same for the other.
Breastfed babies had a higher chance of going to sleep at the same time as their bottle-fed peers.
If you can get your twins on a consistent feeding schedule, they will start to feel sleepy and finally go to sleep at the same time.
You’ll have more free time to relax and take care of yourself, which simplifies your life immensely.
In order to aid parents in fostering healthy sleep habits in their children, we’ve included a specific module in each of our Sleep Series programs that is devoted to twins and multiples. Read the rest of the Sleep Series here.
Develop routines
Although it may be challenging, taking the time to establish a regular routine for your twins is well worth it.
You can begin making tentative plans for a more relaxed routine once your twins are between 6 and 8 weeks old.
Having the twins on the same schedule will alleviate some of your tension and allow you to better manage their unique routines.
One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to stick to a regular schedule of meals and snacks, and then to do the same for sleep times.
Don’t tip-toe around your sleeping babies’
Having twins that can sleep through any kind of noise would undoubtedly ease your life.
Your children will have an easier time falling asleep and staying asleep at night and during naps if they are able to sleep amid commonplace noises (we’re not talking about rock concerts).
Read more : How Your Baby’s Sleep Cycle Differs From Your Own? Sleep Tips For You
If ambient noises continually wake up your twins, consider using white or pink noise to drown-out everyday sounds.
Follow safe sleeping guidelines
If your twins are easily roused by outside sounds, you may want to try utilizing white or pink noise to mask the distractions.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests the following measures to lower the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in twins:
Placing twins in separate cribs
Always separate twins into separate cribs, bassinets, or other safe sleeping spaces before putting them to sleep.
Put your twins to sleep on their backs
Sleeping your twins on their backs during naps and at night has been shown to greatly minimize the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome.
Keep the crib clear
When it comes to getting some shut-eye, it can be difficult to know what supplies your infant actually needs. However, we recommend not putting any bulky items in the crib, such as duvets, blankets, soft toys, or anything else, because these have been linked to a significantly increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
The right room temperature
Babies that overheat have an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome, therefore it’s crucial to maintain a comfortable temperature in the nursery.
Baby safe sleeping conditions include a room temperature of 60–70 degrees Fahrenheit and a thin blanket or sleeping bag.
Never put your infant to sleep in a cap or extra clothing; if you’re concerned about their temperature, feel their chest.
Because of the difficulty of putting your twins to sleep, you may be tempted to put them in your bed or have them sleep with you.
Instead, attempt to get your twins to sleep in the same room at the same time every night and read up on safe sleeping practices.
Struggling with twin sleep?
We’ve got you covered with a special unit on multiples and twins sleep in each of our Sleep Series courses. In addition, the Sleep Series Community on Facebook will provide you with expert-led sleep assistance. Seem too good to be true? Read the fantastic feedback we’ve received here.
Deciding how long to let your babies share a crib will be up to you. Twins who share a bed have been known to have an increase in SIDS. However, if you believe co-sleeping is what is best for your munchkins, there are precautions you can take. Placing a crib divider provides a separate sleep space for each child. Additionally, placing them in opposite ends of the bassinet head-to-head will help as well.
Co-Bedding Twins SIDS Prevention Strategy
It’s up to you to decide how long your baby can stay in a shared crib. Studies have shown that the risk of sudden infant death syndrome is higher when twins sleep together in the same bed. However, there are safeguards you may take if you think co-sleeping is best for your little ones. A crib divider allows for more than one child to sleep safely and comfortably in the same crib. One more thing that helps is putting the babies’ heads against each other in the bassinet’s opposite end.
The length of time your infants share a crib is something you’ll have to decide. A higher rate of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been linked to twins who sleep together in the same bed. In any case, there are safeguards you may take if you think co-sleeping is the best option for your little ones. By installing a divider in the crib, you can create private spaces for your children to sleep. To further aid in this process, place the babies head to head on opposite ends of the bassinet.
Use Pacifiers
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests using a pacifier to lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome when sleeping. There’s no rule that says you have to replace a pacifier that slips out in the middle of the night, but your child might wake up and ask for one.
Swaddle Babies on their Backs
Babies should always be placed on their backs when swaddled while they are still motionless. Babies who sleep on their backs are less likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some people, wrongly, think that by putting them on a plush surface, they will feel more at ease. However, the danger of sudden infant death syndrome is mitigated by using solid surfaces.
Remove Hazards
It’s tempting to try to comfort your baby by placing familiar items, such a stuffed animal or a blanket, in the crib with them. However, your child could suffocate on one of these things while sleeping, so it’s wise to refrain until their older and more independently mobile.
Category: Sleep Advisors