People who suffer from sleep apnea, in which breathing ceases momentarily or repeatedly throughout the night, frequently find relief from using a CPAP machine (continuous positive airway pressure). In order to improve breathing while sleeping, many people use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. Fatigue, heart problems, and high blood pressure are common symptoms of sleep apnea. Keeping the strap snug against your face can be difficult when using a CPAP machine for the treatment of these conditions or the prevention of snoring; a CPAP chin strap can help with this. In order to help you get a good night’s sleep, we list some of the best products available.
Sunset Comfort Chin Strap
Because of its adaptable construction, the Sunset Comfort Chin Strap lives up to its name. When it comes to the shape of one’s face, the hook-and-loop closure on a single anchor strap makes it universally wearable. Furthermore, a cushioned chin cup prevents any unpleasant rubbing or abrasion.
You are reading: Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to CPAP Chin Strap 02/2025
Key notice:
Strap length can be altered thanks to the hook-and-loop fastener.
Gentle, bendable chin restraint
The universal design accommodates a wide range of facial proportions.
Best for:
If you’ve tried other CPAP chin straps and found them too restrictive, this one’s for you.
Those who toss and turn a lot
Clients on a strict spending limit
Philips Respironics Premium Chinstrap
To date, the Philips Respironics Premium Chinstrap has proven to be one of the most user-friendly and dependable chin straps available. Its ability to prevent nighttime mouth breathing has made it a fan favorite. Its structure generates an appropriate level of tension without being oppressive. Besides feeling gentle on the skin, it also has a gentle texture. Additionally, the Premium Chinstrap has few moving parts, making it suitable for a wide range of head sizes and shapes.
Key notice:
Its two-part design and ease of use make it a great choice.
Chin Support That Feels Good
The Strap Can Be Adjusted to Fit Virtually Any Head Size
Effectively aids in preventing snoring
Best for:
Fits virtually any face shape or size
Smokers in bed
Intolerants of chin cups
Although CPAP chinstraps tend to be inexpensive, some are better investments than others. You can see this in action with the YIXIY CPAP Chin Strap. The strap, made of breathable and flexible ventilated neoprene, molds to the shape of your head to keep your chin in place without being too constrictive. In addition to being adjustable, breathable, and comfortable, the YIXIY CPAP Chin Strap has many other desirable features. The breathable mesh construction and universal sizing mean that the strap can be worn comfortably by a wide range of people without causing discomfort or restricting movement.
Key notice:
To avoid overheating, breathable neoprene shouldn’t be worn in the sun.
Strap fastens with a hook-and-loop adjustment.
The stretchy material makes it possible for it to fit most people.
Best for:
Any CPAP patient, irrespective of their face size
The hottest of the sleepers
Seekers of Value
LifeSource Ruby-Style Adjustable Chinstrap
The Ruby-Style Adjustable Chinstrap has two velcro adjustment points—one on the side and one on the back of your head—to ensure a secure and comfortable fit for a wide range of head sizes and shapes. If you have trouble sleeping with your mouth closed, the Ruby-Style Adjustable Chinstrap will help you wear a nasal or nasal pillow mask comfortably and securely while also preventing air leakage. For those in search of the best chinstrap, this is a no-brainer.
Key notice:
Two sizes available, with an extra strap for a customized fit.
Possesses Dual Velcro Closures for Sizing
Safe for those with latex allergies
Best for:
Any CPAP patient, irrespective of their face size
Those of you who have trouble keeping your mouth closed while you sleep
Those with a latex allergy
Knightsbridge Dual-Band Chinstrap
The Knightsbridge Dual-Band Chinstrap, which consists of one elastic band and one non-elastic strap, is a good option if you’ve tried other chin straps but are still having trouble with mask leaks. In cases where conventional chin straps have proven ineffective, this two-banded design may be the answer.
Key notice:
Wonderful Alternative to the Conventional Chinstrap
Breathable mesh construction ensures that your head never gets stuffy.
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Reduces the Chance of Mask Leaks and Enhances CPAP Therapy
Available in a range of sizes from small to extra-large to ensure a perfect, relaxed fit.
Best for:
This universal face mask is designed to fit a wide range of different face shapes and sizes.
Smokers in bed
Those who think chin cups are ugly
How to Shop for a CPAP Chinstrap?
Doctors and sleep technologists recommend nasal breathing because it removes dust and bacteria from the air, warms it, and adds moisture. When using a CPAP machine, the pressurized air is delivered through the nose. If you sleep with your mouth open, you risk losing the therapeutic benefits of your treatment. When you sleep, your mouth may leak air, but a chinstrap can help. A chinstrap can improve the efficiency of a nasal or nasal pillow mask by preventing the wearer from opening their mouth.
How Do Chin Straps Help With Sleep Apnea and Snoring
Persons with sleep apnea have trouble breathing while they are sleeping. When you use a CPAP machine, air is directed into your nasal passages, pharynx, or both to keep your airways from collapsing and preventing normal breathing. CPAP machines are designed to be worn continuously, so any air leakage would almost completely negate that benefit. In order to prevent air from escaping, a head strap is provided to help snugly attach the mask to the user’s head. By keeping your mouth closed all night with a chin strap, you can reduce your snoring. The loud rumbling sounds associated with snoring are reduced by restricting the airflow through your throat, which is the main target of this device.
CPAP Chinstrap Design Features
Although there is a wide variety of chinstrap manufacturers and brands, many of them use similar designs and features.
The following are some of the more typical elements of chinstraps:
The Usual Chinstrapsusing one-inch-thick straps on the sides that attach to a three-inch-thick chin guard. Design aesthetics for chin guards typically involve cushy, soft fabric like cotton or polyester. The side straps cross your forehead to secure the structure, making this a time-tested and tried-and-true option.
We recommend using the Stability Strap Chinstrap.has all the same features as the regular version but also has a strap that fastens over the top of the head. The chinstrap’s minimalist design not only permits full mobility, but also makes it possible to maintain normal vocal volume and pitch while sporting it.
Dual-Band Chinstrapfeatures two separate chinstraps that work together to keep your mouth closed and are held together by a mesh cap. One strap is made from standard elastic, while the other is more rigid and serves as a stability feature. You may find that your CPAP therapy benefits from using two main straps rather than one.
Neck restraintswrap it around your head even a little Instead, you can get a chinstrap that attaches to your mask headgear with a special loop and hook system.
When You Should Not Use a Chinstrap
A chinstrap is an effective way to keep a CPAP machine in place or reduce snoring. While there are many scenarios in which these gadgets would prove invaluable, there are also some in which they should be avoided to avoid potential health complications. Breathing difficulties at night due to a deviated septum or blocked nasal passage can negatively impact sleep quality and increase the risk of developing serious health problems like anxiety and depression. However, a chinstrap can be a great addition to a CPAP if you have healthy nasal airways but have trouble keeping your mouth closed. You should always talk to a doctor about your options and health needs if you have doubts about whether or not a chinstrap is right for you.
Consumer Report
Your doctor may have suggested continuous positive airway pressure if you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which results in frequent, brief pauses in breathing during sleep.
The most common treatment for this condition, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), entails using a mask-like device connected to a pump. While you sleep, the pump forces air into your airway, keeping it open.
If you have trouble breathing while you sleep, CPAP may help. However, it only works if you actually use it. An analysis of studies published in 2016 in the Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery found that about one-third of CPAP users did not maintain treatment. The review found that user complaints about CPAP’s inconvenience, discomfort, and claustrophobia were common causes of abandonment.
The process of therapy can be trying. David Levey, 60, of Mequon, Wisconsin, found using CPAP unpleasant when he first started using it about 15 years ago. The mask would fall off because Levey “was a side sleeper” and his pillow kept hitting it. So instead of getting a good night’s rest, he kept waking up with the machine’s air blowing directly into his eyes.
However, sleep apnea needs to be managed. A specialist in pulmonary and sleep medicine at Keck Hospital of the University of Southern California, Raj Dasgupta, M.D., warns that untreated cases can result in excessive daytime sleepiness. And that can lead to dozing off in awkward situations like the middle of a meal, behind the wheel, or in the middle of a conversation.
Possible risks arise from this. According to a Swedish study published in the journal Sleep in 2015, untreated sleep apnea doubled the risk of a car accident. The National Transportation Safety Board also speculates that untreated sleep apnea contributed to two commuter-train accidents that resulted in over 200 injuries and one fatality in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 2016, and Brooklyn, New York, in 2017.
High blood pressure, arrhythmias, heart failure, and stroke are all increased risks associated with sleep apnea because of the strain it places on the heart over time.
Patients often inquire as to whether or not death is a real possibility in the absence of sleep apnea treatment. Briefly put, “yes,” says Dasgupta.
No matter if your doctor has just suggested CPAP or you’ve been fighting it for a while, here are some tips for making the most of your treatment.
CPAP: How It Functions
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 5.9 million adult U.S. citizens have been diagnosed with OSA. Sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in a person’s neck and throat relax, allowing the soft tissue at the back of the throat to collapse and block the airway. That results in numerous brief or extended pauses in breathing throughout the night, sometimes numbering in the hundreds.
Since the 1980s, patients with moderate to severe OSA have relied on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which forces enough air into the upper airway to keep it open.
The treatment, which is taken by prescription, has been shown to ameliorate the associated health risks, as well as increase the quality of sleep, decrease daytime sleepiness, and help normalize blood pressure.
As an example, a 2018 study of over 40,000 Danish adults with sleep apnea published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that non-CPAP users had a 38% higher risk of heart failure than CPAP users.
The effectiveness of CPAP is matched by the fact that modern machines are less obtrusive and noisier than their predecessors.
Some CPAPs, especially newer models, let you start the night with a lower air pressure setting and gradually increase it as you sleep. This can soften the blow when air is sucked in through the mouth or nose.
Some CPAP machines can even learn your breathing patterns and amplify or dampen the air pressure throughout the night automatically.
Locate a Tool That Suits Your Needs
To get a good night’s sleep while using a CPAP machine, you need to find a mask that fits comfortably. (You should also think about things like how severe your OSA is and what air pressure setting your doctor has suggested to keep your airways open while you sleep.)
However, this process is not always instant. The director of sleep medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, Steven Feinsilver, M.D., says that despite the aforementioned improvements, using a CPAP machine can feel cumbersome and awkward. Most people don’t find the right gadget on the first try. Some people may need to try two or three before they find the one that works best for them, he says.
Hb Alumisin, 33, of New York City, tried two masks before deciding on a third option, nasal pillows (see below), for his mild sleep apnea.
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He says, “The masks were cumbersome and made it difficult to sleep, but the pillows are soft and unobtrusive.”
Worse yet, what should we do? You should “try masks on with the doctor-recommended air pressure settings you’ll be using to see what it really feels like when the machine is on,” as Dasgupta recommends during your fitting (which can be done at home or at a sleep center).
In addition, Dasgupta advises that you check the fit of any device you’re thinking of purchasing to ensure it will form a seal where it needs to without being too tight that it will leave marks on your face.
Learn the distinctions between the three most common CPAP masks:
A pillow for your nose. These ‘pillows,’ made of plastic, sit just below the nostrils to channel air into the nose. Nasal pillows are the least invasive option because they don’t have to come into direct contact with the user’s face.
The American Academy of Sleep Technologists (AAST) suggests pillows for those who need a moderate air pressure setting, those who have a lot of facial hair, or those who feel claustrophobic in a larger mask.
However, because air is being forced directly into the nostrils, especially at higher pressure settings, they may cause nasal irritation and discomfort. In rare cases, users may experience nosebleeds or nasal dryness. Since this mask only directs pressurized air into the nasal cavities, it may not be as effective for mouth breathers.
Masks that fit over the nose are used. This mask will cover your nose and upper lip, forming a seal over your nostrils but not your mouth. For a more comfortable and realistic airflow, the AAST suggests nasal masks over nasal pillows.
Some people find that the mask works better than pillows because the air is less dense. Edwin Valladares, a CPAP user and the manager of the Sleep Disorders Center at Keck Medicine of USC, says that the mask may be more comfortable if it is spread out over a larger area.
People who have trouble breathing through their nose due to allergies, sinus blockages, or medical conditions like a deviated septum might not benefit from using a nasal mask. In some cases, the mask can be irritating to the nose bridge.
Wraparound mask. The nose and mouth are both sealed off by this mask’s construction. Those who have trouble breathing through their nose while sleeping due to allergies or medical conditions may benefit from using a full face mask. According to the AAST, it may also be effective for people who require a higher pressure setting but find this method to be more convenient than using a nasal mask. However, the size may be an issue for some consumers.
Then, Gently Insert Yourself
Using CPAP at night may take a few weeks to get used to, and Rowley estimates that it will be at least four to six weeks before you notice any significant improvement.
Many people respond better to CPAP when it is introduced gradually, according to Feinsilver. Twenty to thirty minutes before bedtime is a good starting point for CPAP use. Put on the mask, activate the machine, and relax with some light entertainment. Try sleeping with the gadget after a few days have passed. “If you don’t fall asleep within an hour, take it off and try again the next day,” Feinsilver advises.
Contact your sleep medicine doctor or the medical equipment provider if you find that the mask that felt so good during your fitting is now causing you discomfort or is difficult to adjust. You could use some help finding the right fit, or maybe even a new mask altogether.
Manage Nasal Congestion and Dry Mouth
Additional CPAP-related grievances, and how to address them, are detailed below.
Dry Mouth
According to James Rowley, M.D., medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Detroit Receiving Hospital, dry mouth can occur when a full mask fails to form a tight seal over your face or with a nasal mask or nasal pillows if you’re mouth-breathing.
The solution is to have your sleep medicine doctor or sleep technician examine your full mask for proper fit. If you have trouble sleeping without opening your mouth to breathe, you may want to inquire about the availability of a chin strap for your nasal mask or nasal pillow device.
Clogged Nose
When air is forced up your nostrils, this can happen.
Solutions: Most modern CPAP machines include an adjustable humidifier, which may help relieve nasal congestion. Rowley advises seeing a doctor if that fails to alleviate your symptoms. Antihistamines and nasal steroid sprays are effective in treating the nasal congestion caused by CPAP, he says.
Where the mask makes contact with the skin, some CPAP users experience redness, itching, and even a rash. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine reports that allergic reactions to CPAP masks are extremely uncommon and that skin issues are typically the result of careless mask hygiene.
Rowley recommends weekly washings with soap and water for both the mask and the humidifier chamber. (Find out more about CPAP maintenance here.) The risk of respiratory infections like pneumonia has been hypothesized to be higher in people who use CPAP, but no studies have found such a correlation.
Is There Still a Problem? Never Give Up!
And if you give CPAP a fair shot for two to three weeks and still feel like it isn’t helping, Rowley says, “talk with your sleep physician about what else you can do, but don’t just quit.”
Some people may require more time than others to adapt. According to David Levey, who switched from a side sleeping position to a back position to prevent his CPAP from slipping out of place, it took him two to three months to feel completely at ease with his CPAP.
“The hardest part of adjusting to CPAP was learning to sleep on my back, but once I did, I woke up feeling so much more refreshed,” he says.
In addition to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), there are other options, such as mouth guards (mandibular advancement devices) and surgically implanted devices (that deliver electrical impulses to the nerve that controls the upper airway muscles), that can help to keep the airway open.
Losing weight can help lessen the severity of sleep apnea if you are overweight.
Remember what Feinsilver says: “Not only will addressing your sleep apnea help you sleep better, but you might live longer.”
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