Nothing is more important to new parents than a restful night’s sleep. In order to get the most sleep for everyone in the house, we can only assume you’ve taken great measures to establish a nap and bedtime regimen.
There is a good chance that your 8-month-old kid will be sleeping through the night by this time (with one or two wakings at the most). Your sleep deprivation from the newborn period may still be fresh in your mind (you are, after all, the parent of a little child).
You are reading: What Is The 8 Month Sleep Regression? Tips For Managing The 8 Month Sleep Regression
A sleep regression is a common occurrence in babies between the ages of 8 months and 1 year. As parents, we know that sleep regressions can be frightening and disruptive to the rest of the family.
The good news is that this decline will not endure indefinitely! Continue reading to learn more about this hiccup and how to get a good night’s sleep for everyone in your household.
What is the 8 month sleep regression?
In general, the 8-month regression occurs between 7 and 10 months and is known as the 9-month sleep regression. It’s a short-lived condition marked by difficulties sleeping and more frequent nighttime awakenings (with time spent awake at night often lasting for long periods).
Depending on your child’s new circadian rhythm, you may notice that your usual bedtime routines are no longer working for him or her at 8 months. After just 5 to 10 minutes of rocking, a baby who is regularly rocked and held to sleep may no longer fall asleep. Another possibility is that a baby who normally falls asleep on his or her own can abruptly protest if placed awake in his or her cot.
Why does the 8 month regression happen?
A number of things contribute to these shifts, including:
1. Growing out of the 3-nap wake windows
By the time your kid is 7 months old, he or she will begin to require longer stretches of uninterrupted sleep in order to fall asleep. As a result, despite our best efforts, many babies refuse or skip their third nap of the day, resulting in an exhausted state when they finally do get to bed. In the beginning, even newborns who have fully transitioned to two nap periods find it challenging to stay awake for long periods.
The inability to fall asleep at night and a restless night are both linked to being overtired. It’s not ideal for getting a good night’s rest!
2. Separation anxiety
Anxiety about being apart is a normal aspect of growing up. However, if you leave your baby alone in the room, it may be more difficult for him to drift off to sleep. Regardless of whether a child spends the majority of their time at home with a parent or is cared for by someone else, they are likely to experience times of separation anxiety. At bedtime, it is usual for youngsters in this age range to feel anxious about being separated from their parents.
3. Greater mobility
As soon as your baby is able to sit up on their own, or even stand on their own, it’s a huge joy to watch. As a result, a baby may not be as happy as they used to be to fall asleep sweetly in their cot. As you’ve probably already discovered, it’s far more fun for them to practice their new motor abilities at night.
4. Teething
At this age, teething is also a frequent occurrence, and it can cause varied degrees of discomfort. Teething may be a component in a fussy 8-month-old baby’s nighttime crying. When a baby is in agony from an erupting tooth, it may be difficult for them to sleep.
How long does the 8 month sleep regression last?
It doesn’t matter what is causing your youngster to have trouble sleeping; all of these things will pass in the blink of an eye. If your 8-month-old refuses to sleep right now, don’t worry; sleep regressions normally last for 2 to 6 weeks, and your baby will ultimately get adjusted to their newfound mobility, get over this bout of separation anxiety, and those troublesome teeth will finally appear.
When does it start?
Around the age of 7 to 9 months, a baby may begin to show signs of sleep regression. Signs of an 8-month sleep regression include a child’s inability to sleep and an increase in nighttime awakenings.
When does it end?
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Babies above the age of 10 months should be free of sleep regressions, which normally last 2–6 weeks. Longer wake windows help newborns sleep better, and they can even make it to night on a 2-nap schedule without getting too fatigued.
Signs your baby is going through the 8-month sleep regression
You should be on the lookout for the following signs of sleep regression:
- Crankiness. If your baby is cranky because she isn’t getting enough sleep, adhere to your regular schedule and keep in mind that babies this age need 12 to 16 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period (often 9 or 10 to 12 hours at night), including naps in the middle of the day.
- The number of times I wake up at night has increased. A sudden increase in the number of times your “excellent sleeper” wakes up at night may indicate that she’s going through her latest sleep regression.
- Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia and difficulty falling asleep. Is it getting more difficult (again) to get your infant to fall asleep and waking up frequently during the night? Maybe the sleep regression at eight months is the culprit.
- Clinginess. During the 8-month sleep regression, your baby may be more agitated when you’re away from her, as well as more clingy when you’re around.
- Daytime slumber is needed. A baby who isn’t sleeping as well as she used to will have to play catch-up during the day (watch for a longer daytime nap).
My 8 month old won’t nap: Does the 8 month regression affect naps?
Yes, some babies have difficulty falling and staying asleep during naptime. There may be short or missing naps because of this. Typically, a baby takes three naps over the course of one day, and two naps during the course of the next. The 3-nap and 2-nap routines may alternate for a few weeks as your kid gets used to staying up for greater lengths of time.
6 tips to handle 8 month old sleep regression like an expert
If you’re reading this at 3 in the morning, we understand that a few weeks of sleep deprivation may feel like a lifetime to you. If your family is experiencing sleep regression, these suggestions can assist. However, keep in mind that this is a phase that will pass for your family shortly.
1. Offer additional comfort as needed.
If your infant is having problems falling asleep, you may want to provide some extra comfort. Be mindful, however, that if you begin a new pattern with more parental assistance, this might lead to new, long-lasting behaviors that can often severely effect sleep once the phase has finished.
As an example, you might consider patting or rocking your infant a little longer during their bedtime routine in order to assist them fall asleep. To avoid disrupting their nighttime sleep, it’s best to avoid rocking or patting them until they fall asleep on their own.
2. Follow age-appropriate wake windows.
Your baby’s overnight awakenings will be reduced if you get them to bed before they’re overtired. In order to get the recommended 2 – 3.5 hours of awake time in between naps, your baby’s age and the time of day must be taken into consideration.
3. Consider sleep training.
Maintaining and/or strengthening one’s ability to sleep on one’s own can lessen the influence of regressions on one’s sleep. Sleep regression at 8 months of age might be helped by teaching your infant how to fall asleep on his or her own with less assistance. When it comes to sleep training, we prefer a gradual approach rather than Ferber or “cry it out.” This type of sleep training entails gradually reducing the amount of time you spend assisting your child go asleep, making it more subtle than other ways.
4. Don’t rush to drop the third nap.
If your baby is showing signs of sleep resistance, consider introducing a 3-nap schedule for a few days at a time to help him “refresh.” This can help ease the transition to a two-nap routine. You can cease offering the third sleep when your infant is 8 to 9 months old and able to stay awake for extended periods of time without discomfort.
5. Offer practice time for new skills.
It’s likely that your kid may want to play about with their newfound mobility while they’re supposed to be sleeping. Provide plenty of opportunities for your infant to practice sitting and standing during waking hours so that the transition to the crib is less stressful.
6. Give your baby space to wind down.
The chances are that even if you give your infant more practice time during the day, he or she will still want to play at naptime and bedtime. A lot of people do this, and it’s perfectly normal for a child’s stage of development. Playing instead of sleeping is a sign that your infant needs to be given some time and space to get ready to sleep on their own. When trying to get your baby to sleep, waiting about ten minutes in between tries can be more beneficial than repeatedly putting them down and having them wake you up again and again.
8 month sleep regression FAQ
Q: Is the 8 month sleep regression a myth?
The 8-month sleep regression is a fact, not a legend. When a baby is 8 months old, he or she is likely to begin experiencing new sleep difficulties.
Q: Do all babies have sleep regressions at 8 months?
Every baby’s 8-month sleep regression is unique, and some babies don’t experience it at all! At this age, the ability of a baby to sleep properly depends on a variety of things, including their schedule and whether or not they have developed strong independent sleeping skills. Your 8-month-lack old’s of nighttime sleep isn’t always the result of sleep regression.
Q: Can the 8 month sleep regression start early?
Even while it’s usual for babies to begin refusing and/or napping around 7 months, regressions are not unheard of. Having difficulty napping might lead to problems going to sleep at night and a restless night’s sleep.
Q: Do 7 month, 9 month or 10 month sleep regressions exist as well?
The 8-month sleep regression includes any new sleep difficulties that occur between the ages of 7 and 10 months.
Q: Why is my 8 month old baby not sleeping?
Is your 8-month-old infant a night owl, or does he or she wake up sobbing at night? It could be because of a variety of reasons. At this age, the most typical causes of sleep disturbances are teething, milestone mastery, the need for a schedule modification, hunger, or a sleep association imposed by the parent(s). Be aware that many babies sleep better at this age if they have only one or two night feedings.
Q: 8 month old baby won’t sleep unless held. What should I do?
Eventually, your baby will be able to fall asleep in a different way. Most of the time, we suggest a gradual transition away from rocking your infant to sleep. Bedtime might be a great place to start when trying to modify your sleep habits.
Q: My 8 month old baby never had a sleep regression. Is this normal?
Yes! When it comes to newborn sleep, there is a wide range of what is considered “normal.” During the 7–10 month period, some babies continue to sleep well, and their sleep does not deteriorate. There are some 8-month-olds that do not have a hard time going to sleep.
Q: Why is my 8 month old baby so fussy at sleep times?
Babies might be irritable at nap or bedtime for many different reasons. Teething and being overtired are two of the most typical reasons for a baby’s distress. Hunger and fussiness rise during growth spurts.
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