Sleep Advisors

Sleep Advisors

Why Is Sleep Quality Important? How Is Sleep Quality Calculated?

Although it is generally accepted that getting sufficient quality sleep is essential to good health, there is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes sufficient sleep established by sleep experts. Instead, it’s the individual’s subjective experience of sleep that is typically used to determine its value. The term “quality sleep” can mean different things to […]

Sleep Advisors

How Pregnancy Affects Dreams? All You Need To Know

It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to have trouble sleeping because of frequent trips to the bathroom, the baby moving around, or other factors. One of the less expected pregnancy side effects, though, may be alterations to your dream life. Dreams of a strange or disturbing nature during pregnancy are not unheard of. Knowing that […]

Sleep Advisors

How Sleep Affects Immunity? Perfect Information For You

Sleep science has come a long way in the last few decades, illuminating sleep’s profound significance for basically every bodily function. It has become increasingly apparent, as research into the connections between sleep and physical health has progressed, that sleep and the immune system are intimately related. The immune system plays a key role in […]

Sleep Advisors

How Sleep Apnea Affects Blood Pressure? Comprehensive Guide

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a frequent condition in which the power required to circulate blood through the body’s blood arteries is excessive. Many people with hypertension don’t experience any noticeable symptoms until they get their blood pressure checked. Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, and other cardiovascular complications. […]

Sleep Advisors

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Heart? Perfect Information For You

The significance of a healthy heart to one’s wellbeing cannot be overstated. The heart is the engine that drives the circulatory system, which pumps blood throughout the body and carries oxygen to all the body’s organs and tissues. Among the primary causes of death and sickness in the USA, heart disorders rank high. Sleep deprivation […]