Sleep Advisors

Sleep Advisors

What Is Circadian Rhythm? Can You Change Your Circadian Rhythm?

The human body has an internal clock known as a circadian clock that keeps track of time. A natural “circadian rhythm” governs the body’s daily cycles of sleep and wakefulness, appetite and digestion, hormone activity, and other biological activities. This internal clock is responsible for regulating the body’s circadian rhythm. Clocks in our bodies have […]

Sleep Advisors

What Is a Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Natural light and darkness, as well as internal hormone production, are all synced to provide a 24-hour biological clock for most people. The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that plays a vital influence in our sleep cycle. It’s a category of illnesses that are linked to the body’s internal clock malfunctions or misalignments: circadian […]

Sleep Advisors

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Symptoms, Causes, and How to Cope

Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) is a long-term illness with substantial potential for debilitation. Chronic fatigue syndrome is defined as a long-term exhaustion that inhibits a person from engaging in their typical activities. Estimates range from 0.5 percent to 1 percent of adults fit the criteria for the disorder. Chronic fatigue syndrome is more common in women […]

Sleep Advisors

When Do Kids Stop Napping? 5 Signs Your Toddler Should Stop Napping

Curiosity abounds in toddlers, as do their high spirits and, of course, their level of energy. While you may enjoy spending time with your child and seeing the world through their eyes, you may also enjoy the break you get when they take a sleep. You and your child can recharge during nap time. As […]

Sleep Advisors

Summer Sleep Routines: Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule For Kid

For families with children, the summer months can mean a significant change in routine. Summer vacation means that your child’s routine bedtime has been replaced with the Wild West. Perhaps your boy sleeps whenever he pleases, or your daughter takes a snooze till lunchtime. The importance of a regular bedtime, even during the warmer months, […]